Sunday, March 12, 2017

I Went Off My Rocker - Luke Haines

Luke Haines

All right so yesterday I broke into the Big IV.  I love a lot of music, and I hope that will come through over time on the blog, but there are four artists who do kind stand above everything else for me. The Fall (and therefore Mark E. Smith) is one. Today we get another member of the Big IV, Luke Haines.

I'm not gonna do a "How did I discover Luke Haines" story here. Maybe someday if I post "Former Fan" by his old band The Auteurs I'll write that story. It won't be a very interesting story I promise you.

I don't exactly know why these British misfit artists (Luke, MES, tomorrow's enty) mean so much to me. I mean, quite often the lyrics and topics of songs get very British. I don't really even know what these guys are on about. In fact saying "what they are on about" is a phrase I never would have said if I didn't read so many interviews with these guys. "Here's to Old England" "Leeds United" "The South Will Rise Again" "British Nuclear Bunkers" "9.5 Psychedelic Meditations On British Wrestling in the70s and Early 80s"  I'm lost. But damn these songs sound incredible!!! For me, no one crafts a majestic tune like Luke does. Sometimes it takes the tenth listen to a song before I realize that I've actually been banging my head to a soft, pretty mostly acoustic tune. I mean damn, for years one of the main players in his band was a cello player (who is only referred to as "The cello player" in Haines autobiographies).

It doesn't hurt that Luke Haines seems to love what I love. I mean damn, for those of you who know me...can you imagine how excited I was when I found out one of my favorite singers had a song coming out called "Cats That Look Like MES"? Well I'll tell you. I excited. Can you guess the topic of the song "Lou Reed, Lou Reed"?  Oh by the way, if you really love me, ask me for my address and then go to Luke's websites and buy one of his made-to-order paintings of Lou Reed and have it sent.

Lou Reed, Lou Reed

Damn there's so much more to say. It's okay. Haines will be back on this page again. Though at his prolific rate, I can't promise I'll do another post on him before he releases another album. So I will leave you with this picture of me dressed up as Luke Haines for a Halloween party a couple years ago.

And here's a song that should get you started:
Listen to Off My Rocker At The Art School Bop on youtube

Buy Luke Haines music on Amazon

Special bonus, the first person who comments below (with some pertinent comment...."First" is not a pertinent comment!) gets a free copy of a rare and weird Luke Haines CD.  US only though (I ain't paying overseas mailing fees) and only if you want it.


  1. If it features Gene Vincent I've got it already. If not you could send it to a friend in the US...? p.s. talking Gene Vincent and great English songwriters, where do you stand on Mr Ian Dury?

  2. You got it! I ended up with 2 copies of Freqs, which was available only with a magazine purchase. Please send the mailing address to me at I have and like a smattering of Ian Dury songs someone once gave me. That's all. Got a suggestion My favorites are "Razzle in My Pocket" and "Billericay Dickie."

    1. New Boots and Panties is an essential album, featuring Billericay Dickie and Razzle in my Pocket, which was originally a b-side, features on many rereleases.
