Friday, March 10, 2017

What happened when I caught the tornado - Jim White

Jim White
Now here's a special entry for me. Not just because Jim White's music showed me that I can in fact like something that sounds like country music. Not just because he played a concert at MadLab Theatre. Not just because it was the most successful concert we ever had. Not just because setting up his show caused me to be in contact with a woman who had once been married to Lou F-in' Reed! Not just because Jim even now is willing and happy to communicate with me on facebook in spite of the pedestal his musical greatness tempts me to put him upon. It's all those things and so much more!
WCBE in Columbus, Ohio first introduced me to Jim White sometime in or around 1998. The songs was "A Perfect Day To Chase Tornadoes" (which is the link included below).  So I bought the album "Wrong Eyed Jesus" and little did I know how much this would eventually mean.
Flash forward to 2001. I chase a tornado (yeah, I know I might be using the reference wrong, just go with me here, okay?)  Which is to say I think "Aw hell, why don't I e-mail Jim's booking company and see if there's some small chance that he would play a show at MadLab."  I'm telling the truth when I say, I thought there was no chance. But the next thing you know, I'm negotiating this thing. With the booking agent, who happens to be Lou Reed's ex-wife!!! And now I have a copy of Jim's next album "No Such Place" before it's even released!!! I must be important now!  And suddenly I've got a concert scheduled of an artist I love whose popularity I questioned. In short, I had no idea who knew of Jim at all. Is anyone going to come to this show at all?
Yeah. Yeah they did. Once I got that thing on the calendar and announced it they started coming out of nowhere. Dudes in industrial noise bands are catching me on the street "Hey. I love Jim White, how can I buy tickets in advance?" 
If you're a fire marshall who's ever been to either MadLab, don't read the next line. We ended up selling over 170 tickets to the show and packed way more people into that poorly (read: not at all) air-conditioned space in mid-summer and Jim and his band put on an unforgettable performance. Still the biggest event I ever put together. And the "hottest show I ever did" according to Jim!!!
Serious here folks, this guy should be a huge star. And if this blog post can deliver Jim anywhere between 2 and 10,000 new fans I'll have done my job. Check him out!!!

Oh and for what it's worth, Jim's just a wonderful kind and friendly person too. I mean, I'm okay with the fact that I know some of my favorites are jerks (cough, cough, Mark E. Smith cough cough. No really, that's just how Mark sounds when he's singing!) But Jim is wonderful. I hope for continued success and happiness and health will come his way.

A Perfect Day To Chase Tornadoes by Jim White on youtube

Buy Jim White's music on Amazon

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