Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The elusive Tam Lin...wait does that make me the Evil Faerie Queen?

Fairport Convention

This is my third post. I'm starting to realize something. I'm not a music critic. So there's no reason for someone to read these posts for in-depth criticism or historical significance. I'm writing about what these songs meant to me. I hope a few people find it interesting.

I've often called Tam Lin by Fairport Convention "the greatest music recording ever made."  I don't know if I still believe that (Stuart Staples' "Goodbye To Old Friends" might hold that distinction to me now) but it remains one of my favorite all-time songs eliciting such wonderful nostalgic feelings and memories (and not all of them are cuz of some girl!)

I first heard this amazing traditional tune on the local NPR station's "Toss The Feathers" program sometime around 1993. I got the name "Fairport Convention" but never caught the name of the song. Remember, there wasn't an internet or Shazam or what-the-hell ever back then to look up any song I ever wanted to hear. "You know....It's by Fairport Convention and it goes 'dun-dun-dun-dun-dun'" surprisingly doesn't work so well to identify a song.  But somehow I found a Fairport record in my friend Rikki's collection and Whoomp there it is!!! (remember, this was 1993 or so)

And then, invariably I lost touch with Janet, the Queen and young Tam Lin for a few years. I wanted to hold onto it forever, but Janet told me "I come and go....and ask no leave of thee!"

We flash forward to 1996. I'm in love with an Irish (American) girl, and I'm trading cassette tapes across the ocean with a Swede (Babic/Volvo/Chris/Anders) who just happens to be a bit of  traditional folk rock fan (and kraut rock, and Aussie Rock, and...and....and.....etc.) and Tam Lin gets re-introduced into my life. And somehow the song sounds even better to me this time. Oh and the Irish girl loved it. And she'd sing along with Sandy Denny and..... Ah....the Irish girl. I miss those days. ...Um.okay let's not let this go on any further. She's not a part of my life....but she did help me understand how much I could love Celtic flavored music. Like the time I was driving to visit her and Andy M. Stewart's "Gaberlunzieman" came on the radio and....damn!!!! Getting too nostalgic here. Just listen to "the greatest music recording ever made" -Greg circa 1996.

Did I mention that's Richard Thompson on guitar?

Listen to Fairport Convention's "Tam Lin" on Youtube

Completely unrelated except for my memories of visiting the Irish girl
Bonus Song. Gaberlunzieman By Andy M. Stewart

Buy Fairport Convention on Amazon

P.S. The Irish girl is very happily married and I haven't seen her in 20 years and would probably be embarassed if she ever read this. Okay let's be honest, she might not even know I'm talking about her!

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