There was a time when I had the power to inflict my musical tastes upon the world. Er...upon Columbus, Ohio. Er...upon the dozens of people that chose to attend some concerts I put on. Okay fine!!! Sometimes the only ones affected were the people who agreed to volunteer to work the door or the bar at MadLab Theatre (where I put those shows on) in order to fulfill their obligations to the company.
But Yat-Kha was different. Yat-Kha was something people cared about, waiting for in anticipation, and still talk about today. No....don't ask me how many people. I promise it was more than just me.
So one morning in 2000 while I was attending the Roskilde Music Festival with my greatest musical mentor (Volvo, Anders, Chris, Babic. He goes by many names) I wandered into a tent that promised to be something I'd never seen before. Tuvan throat-singing rock band Yat-Kha. Where the hell was Tuva anyway? (North of Mongolia I learned) Whatever. I'm hungover, I'm tired. I'm already drinking wine from a box at noon. I'll check this out.
WHOA!!!!! This band comes out dressed in traditional Mongolian garb with some recognizable instruments (Guitar, drums) and some thing called Doshpuluur (if I play that word in scrabble I'm using this blog to prove its legitimacy). Then this dude (Albert Kuvezin) starts busting out these metal riffs amidst traditional Tuvan throat-singing. Damn this is badass!!!! Until he starts the kagyraa style singing which is....well....just check out the 43 second mark of this video.
The story of Yat-Kha coming to MadLab Theatre in Columbus? For another time.
You wanna hear more about this Volvo/Chris/Anders/Babic guy? Don't worry. He'll be a regular.
They still get in the rotation occasionally at my place. My sons like Yat-Kha too, because why wouldn't they!